Thursday, September 16, 2010

I love the internet!

I can't express it enough, there just aren't words that describe how much I LOVE and appreciate you, my followers, my friends. This past year I have felt so much love and support here, unlike what I have felt in real life. I have to say I was not surprised at the outpouring of kindness from this community surrounding Audrey's first birthday. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your comments here and on fbook and to those who sent me a picture of Audrey's name! Thank you to all who sent cards and emails including you lovely ladies from BLM Pen Pals! There are just too many to mention.
And last but not least here are some of the gifts we received from a few of my friends (IRL)...

A non BLM- one who "gets it" her! And a BLM and long time forever friend.

Ladies, you know who you are...C, I'm so glad you've become such a great friend to me and I so appreciate that you not only remembered Audrey, but you took the time to pick out flowers and a balloon to put on her grave. You are one that I can trust with my feelings. Thanks for being here for me and not being afraid to talk about her!
A, I misss you sooooo much. I really wish we lived closer to each other and I especially wish that I could have been the friend to you like you've been to me through your loss ( if only I knew). I'm so happy that we're in touch again and I love you more than words! The book is beautiful. Thank you for being you, a great friend!

Unfortunately I did not experience the same from my own family. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. I was deeply disappointed that not one of my family members called or sent a card. Two relatives sent me messages on fbook, but I can't help but think that was due to my fellow baby loss mommas posting on my wall. Who knows, but it errks me that so many of them had to see my status and said nothing. I am going to turn my irritation and hurt into activism. I will speak out about this "taboo" subject! Look at all the support cancer survivors get! We don't get crap! Don't get me wrong cancer survivors deserve all the support, BUT WE DO TOO!!! I am so excited for the Faces of Loss Faces of Hope October campaign that just started. If you haven't checked this out, donated or submitted your photo I highly encourage you to do so! I just went there today and my picture should be up in the next few days or so.

Much love to you all!


  1. People just don't think sometimes- I'm sorry your family and others neglected to at least say some kind words. Maybe they didn't know what to say... but it's hard. I'm often awed by that on FB... like how easily they comment on stupid posts, but on the serious ones nobody says anything... it's taboo, and that's so wrong. Grief and loss are a part of life whether people want to admit it or not.

    I am also very excited about the project :) I think it's wonderful and have already participated. Very cool.

  2. Much love right back at you Michelle! As sad as it has been to meet you and learn about you and your sweet Audrey through your blog, your posts have brought a lot of comfort to me and made me feel a little less alone in my journey.


  3. Love and miss you soooo much too! I wish all the time we lived closer!
    I am incredibly sorry your family did not show you the love and support you needed. None of mine ever did with my loss either...
    Sometimes I think people just don't know how to react and so doing nothing is easier for them. They don't understand that even acknowledgement of our loss and a simple hug can mean so much.
    Hugs to you!!!!

  4. Isn't it crazy that we get more support and love from people we barely 'know' that we have met online through this wonderful community than we do from our friends in 'real life'?! This BLM community has been my life line through out these early months. I have felt so much comfort by reading the stories of others and knowing that I am not alone. Thinking of you and baby Audrey always. Happy 1 year and 1 week in Heaven to your little angel.

  5. Sadly, it seems that the very circumstances that should bring families together often do not. I'm glad that you have the support of your online friends and pray that your family will find the courage to remember Audrey out loud to you. Blessings to you.
